Page 40 - Fireflyz Issue 9

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38 | FireFlyz
on a river basin
a m o n g s t v o l c a n i c
mountains about 180km
southeast of Jakarta is
Bandung, the capital of
West Java province, and
the third largest city in
Indonesia. The city attracts hoards of
Sightsee. Shop. Repeat.
Bandung’s ethereal volcanic craters and scores of factoryoutlet shopping has
tourists coming back formore.
W o r d s & I m a g e s :
E d w i n K o h
shoppers – especially from neighbouring
countries like Malaysia and Singapore
– looking for factory outlets peddling
luxury apparel, that are rejected or
overrun items, some with understandably
defaced labels.
Tourists also flock to the fringes to visit
volcanic craters like Kawah Ratu at Mount
Tangkuban Perahu and Mount Patuha’s
Kawah Putih, a highly acidic crater lake
with powdery blue-tingedwaters owing to
high sulphur content. With temperatures
generally lower than most Indonesian
cities, hillside and culturally-themed
restaurants also provide a great respite
from the urban hustle and bustle.