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Chaos (TheScarpettaSeriesBook24)
Onahot late summer evening inCambridge,
Massachusetts,Dr. Kay Scarpetta andher
investigative partner PeteMarino respond to
a call about adeadbicyclist near theKennedy
School of Government. It appears that a young
womanhas beenattackedwithalmost superhu-
man force.
Evenbefore Scarpetta’s headquarters, the
Cambridge Forensic Center, has beenofficially
notifiedabout the case,Marino, andScarpetta’s
FBI agent husbandBentonWesley, receive
suspicious calls, allegedly fromsomeone at
Interpol. But itmakes no sense.Whywould the
elite international police agency knowabout the
case or be interested?
Withbreathtaking speed it becomes apparently that anonslaught of interference and
harassmentmight be thework of ananonymous cyberbully namedTailendCharlie,who
has been sending cryptic communications to Scarpetta for over aweek.
Whena seconddeathhundreds ofmiles south, it becomes apparent she and those close
her are confrontedwith something far bigger andmoredangerous than they hadever
imagined. Thenanalysis of amysterious residue recovered fromawound is identifiedas a
material that does not exist onearth.
ClosedCasket: TheNewHerculePoirot
“What I intend to say to youwill come as a shock ...”
With thesewords, LadyAthelindaPlayford- one of
theworld’smost beloved children’s authors - springs
a surprise on the lawyer entrustedwithherwill.As
guests arrive for aparty at her Irishmansion, Lady
Playfordhas decided to cut off her two children
without a penny and leaveher vast fortune to someone
else: an invalidwhohas onlyweeks to live.
Among Lady Playford’s visitors are two strangers:
the famous BelgiandetectiveHerculePoirot, and
Inspector EdwardCatchpool of ScotlandYard.Neither
knowswhy hehas been invited-until Poirot begins
towonder if Lady Playfordexpects amurder. Butwhy does she seemsodetermined to
provoke a killer? Andwhy,when the crime is committeddespitePoirot’s best efforts to stop
it, does the identity of the victimmake no sense at all?
FromLaurenOliver,NewYork Times
bestselling author of Before I Fall
and theDeliriumtrilogy, comes an
epic,masterful novel that explores
issues of individuality, identity, and
humanity. Replica is a “flipbook”
that contains twonarratives inone,
and it is thefirst inaduology. Turn
the book oneway and read Lyra’s
story; turn thebook over andupside
downand readGemma’s story.
Lyra’s story begins in theHaven
Institute, abuilding tuckedaway
ona private islandoff the coast of
Florida that fromadistance looks
serene and evenbeautiful. But up
close the lockeddoors,military
guards, andbiohazard suits tell a
different story.
In truth,Haven is a clandestine
research facilitywhere thousands
of replicas, or humanmodels, are
born, raised, andobserved.When
a surprise attack is launchedon
Haven, twoof its young experi-
mental subject - Lyra, or 24, and the
boy knownonly as 72 -manage to
Gemmahas been inandout
of hospitals for as long as she can
remember.A lonely teen, her life
is circumscribedby home, school,
andher best friend,April. But after
she is nearly abductedby a stranger
claiming to knowher,Gemma starts
to investigateher family’s past and
discovers her father’smysterious
connection to the secretiveHaven
research facility.
While the stories of Lyra and
Gemmamirror eachother, each
contains breathtaking rev-
elations critically important to the
other story. Replica is anambitious,
Read All About It
The return of a classic detective, a journey into the afterlife
and a book with two narratives in one feature in this month’s
book selections.