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will make you feel good but also work
wonders for your internals, helping all
functions work well all day long.
For families, couples or friends, breakfast
is an opportunity for some social interac-
tion and a chance to share a moment
before you rush off into your days. This
moment of pause and the emotional
nourishment from starting the day with
the people you love will enhance your
mood and help keep you calm.
Don’t forget!
These breakfast benefits are only avail-
able when eating a healthy breakfast,
not a greasy fast food burger or a sticky
doughnut! To ensure your first meal is a
good one, it is best to eat at home where
you know what is going into your food.
That also means you can personalise your
breakfast as much as you want, making
yourself exactly what you fancy each and
every day!
Breakfast is themost importantmeal of the day, butwhy?What should you
be having tomaximise themorningmeal?
Start Your Engines
W o r d s :
S a r a h R e e s e
mother’s nagging
was not unfounded –
breakfast really is the
most important meal of
the day, and can offer
all sorts of health ben-
efits that make it worth
making time for, no matter how much
you insist “I am not a morning person”.
Eating a healthy breakfast is linked to
increased performance and concentration
at both work and school. Your first meal
acts as fuel for your brain and should
keep hunger pangs away so your mind
does not start to wander when you should
be working.
For those who are physically active in the
morning, breakfast can help with strength
and physical endurance, allowing you to
perform better on the football field and
manage a gym session without feeling
weak and useless.
Weight loss
Breakfast is linked to lower cholesterol
levels and can helpwithweight control for
those struggling to keep themselves slim
and trim. Those who breakfast are less
likely to snack and more likely to make
better food choices for the rest of the day.
When your body has not eaten for over
12 hours, it goes into starvation mode
and desperately saves all its fat in case
no more food arrives! Breakfast can help
avoid that, setting off your metabolism
from the get-go so your body continues
to process food and break down fat all
day long.
Breakfast is one of three opportunities
each day to get some nutrients into your
body, so take advantage of it! Starting the
day with a balanced, nourishing breakfast