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34 | FireFlyz
is right, request a transfer and kick your
feet up in your new found surroundings.
You can even ask really nicely if you could
be placed in the overseas branch during
your first interview.
Mobile working
you have a skill, milk it for all
it’s worth. Seek out copywriting
stints, social media positions,
graphic design needs anything that you
can do while on the go. Use your laptop
for more than just Facebook.
only do you get fancy new
uniforms, you get to fly every-
where in the world on someone
else’s dime. And you almost always get
an allowance to be used when you’re on
duty in a foreign country. Also once you’re
off the clock, you also get cheap or free
flights to your chosen destinations.
Teaching a Language
a language, go to a foreign
country and teach it. It’s a simple
way to pocket some cash. English
speaking teachers are in demand in
numerous regions. And when you head
out as a teacher you’ll most likely be given
accommodation and some extra perks as
well. While you’re off teaching in a foreign
land, youmight pick up another language
that you could use on your next money
making endeavour.
Be an Au Pair Abroad
you’re fond of children and
travelling, then this is your perfect
job. There are plenty of websites
that can put you in contact with host
families all over the world. It’s much
more common than youwould think. Run
around with some kids, keep them safe
and fed all the while getting to experience
the country of your choice.
Work at a hostel or hotel
part about this whole setup
is that you don’t have to pay
for your own accommodation,
a room is always available! Working the
front desk also gets you a lot of valuable
scoop from wandering travellers. You’ll
also get to expand your circle of friends.
Service Line
to your new country and
straight away pop into every bar
or coffee shop you find. It’s quite
a competitive market in big cities but
the payback is well worth it. Best part
about the service industry is the tips. So
smack a smile on your face, be polite and
ring in the cash flow for your next new
Congratulations, you’rean independentperson! Butbeforethechildrenstartpoppingout,
the bills start piling andyou’re drowning in all your commitments, whynot goon a bit of
soul searching. Findyourself, wakeup inparadise, do someeating, prayingand loving. If
you’re looking toput your career onholdand travel before jumpingheadfirst into reality,
hit pause andwe’ll showyou a couple ofways to financeyour travellingwhileyou’re on
the road. Becausewe knownot everyone has a bank balance like Donald Trump.
Working for Travel
Peace Corps
this isn’t really an easy job
to secure but it’s sure worth it. Get
the applications done, go through
some screening and sign up for two years
of new life experiences. Two years maybe
a long time for some but you’ll be playing
hero the whole time, and that’s a pretty
neat exchange.
Travel Writer
novel occupation that only a
lucky few get to do. If you can’t
get official travel writing jobs,
start writing a blog and publicise to the
best of your ability. Best case scenario,
people take notice and start hosting you in
exchange for some witty write ups, worst
case scenario, you’ve got a blog.
International Offices
a job in your current
country...but make sure they have
branches overseas. When the time