Page 53 - Issue 1

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FireFlyz | 51
on the go
Pretty Eyes!
you losing the
clarity in your vision
as age catches on?
Many of us tend
to ignore vision
problems until it is
too late to correct,
resulting in expensive treatments
and corrective measures. Here are a
few simple steps to preserving your
Safety Supersedes Vanity
An old British saying goes, “where
there is smoke there is fire”, don’t wait
until you topple over things to accept
the fact that you need a pair of glasses!
Wear your glasses if necessary, your
safety is more important than your
vanity. Who knows, your opposite
number may secretly like the idea, too.
You will feel more confident, be safe
and what’s more, you’ll be happy with
Eating Healthy
What has eating healthy got to do with
great eyesight? Everything! Eating
healthy food determines the well-
being of your body and this includes
your eyes, too. You should consume
more antioxidant loaded fruits and
vegetables. They play a major role in
maintaining our eyesight.
Carrots are of particular interest
as they contain beta-carotene, a
substance that the body converts to
vitamin A, which is an important
nutrient for eye health. Munching on
these orange wonders will do much
good to your vision.
Cool Water
It must be noted that many who
experience eye problems, also have a
tendency to suffer from dehydration in
certain capacities. However, beverages
like coffee, tea and cola drinks do not
count as they have the opposite effect
and drain the body of its much-needed
nutrients. Water is the best solution.
Drink up!
Sunglasses with a Difference
Does your pair of sunglasses really
help? Yes, it’s dark, and makes you
look cool and hip – but does it actually
do what it is meant to do? Does it
protect your eyes? When selecting
sunglasses, chose one that offers UV
protection and blocks out ultraviolet A
and B rays.
Some shades even have polarised
lenses and make viewing in angled
and reflected light a breeze.
Reduce Eye Stress
What does this mean? Read in a well
lit area, don’t sleep with the night light
on, avoid the glaring light of your alarm
clock onto your face or light coming
from a different room, and don’t watch
television in a totally dark room for
extended periods. The list goes on, but
basically it’s simple common sense
that we tend to forget. A little common
sense goes a long way!
contain beta-
carotene, a
that the body
converts to
vitamin A –
an important
nutrient for
eye health.