Notes on the system:// port

(collected from AltME alternative messaging environment)
Last update: 10-Sep-2003
Hi guys. Does anyone know where I can find a script done by Carl S. (maybe a year ago) showing how to add an icon in the Windows tray icon bar using the system:// port ?
You only get the tray system mode under Link, not View it seems:
get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes ; show which modes are available
== [window winmsg tray endian] ; result for REBOL/Link 3-Aug-2002
== [window winmsg endian] ; result for REBOL/View 30-May-2003 (windows version on WinXP)
I found the following. I think maybe Cyphre did it.
set-modes system/ports/system compose/deep [
    tray: [
        add main [
            help: (rejoin ["REBOL/Link" any [""]])
            menu: [desktop: "Start Desktop" bar quit: "Quit"]
From Developer IOS server: users/Cypre/tray-example.r
(dated 20-Dec-2002)
Rebol [
	title: "little custom tray exapmle"

set-tray: does [
set-modes system/ports/system [
	tray: [
		add main [
			help: "Just some help line"
			menu: [
				desktop: "This is my tray"
				test: "test item"
				quit: "Quit"
system-awake: func [port /local r][
    if all [r: pick port 1 (r/1 = 'tray)] [
        if any [(r/3 = 'activate) all [(r/3 = 'menu) (r/4 = 'desktop)]][
		view/new/offset layout [banner "you clicked the tray button 1"] random 200x200
        if all [(r/3 = 'menu) (r/4 = 'test)] [view/new/offset layout [banner "you clicked the tray button 2"] random 200x200]
        if all [(r/3 = 'menu) (r/4 = 'quit)] [quit]
    return false
system/ports/system: open [scheme: 'system]
append system/ports/wait-list system/ports/system
system/ports/system/awake: :system-awake 
wait []